What is ICSI ?
ICSI is the most successful form of treatment for men who are infertile. It differs from In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). In this treatment, embryologists selects a single sperm to inject directly into an egg, whereas in the fertilization process many sperms are placed in a dish near the egg.
Male infertility puts bigger challenge as it is much complex than the female infertility process. There are many parameters that need to be looked upon. Now-a-days, there are multiple advance techniques for the treatment of ICSI.
At Joy IVF Clinic, we use special tools and equipments to perform activities like picking up the best sperms and inserting them in the egg. Both the activities are very critical, delicate and complicated. The sperms are injected to the core of the eggs and the process requires very high precision and perfection. The success ratio of this treatment is more than 75 to 80 percent. We, at Joy IVF Clinic, use special hormonal injection to the female partner as the uterus needs to be prepared for the pregnancy.
Who are the best candidates for ICSI ?
There is no specific code of conduct for the use of ICSI. While sometimes, this procedure is used for the treatment of male infertility issues only, in some other cases, it is used for a variety of problems. The use of ICSI has changed in the recent years and a greater number of ICSI cases are seen today as compared to the past.
There is no specific code of conduct for the use of ICSI treatment. We, at Joy IVF Clinic, sometimes use ICSI for the treatment of male infertility issues and also for a variety of problems. The use of ICSI has changed in the recent years as a large number of ICSI cases can be seen today as compared to the past.
When ICSI is the best alternative?
There are some cases when we use ICSI as the best alternative treatment to solve infertility problem. This treatment can be used-
- If male partner has very low sperm count
- Infertility problems with very low concentration of sperms in the semen with very less motility
- Unsuccessful fertilization through IVF
- The female partner yield very smaller number of eggs
ICSI: The Modus Operandi
We at Joy IVF Clinic hold the matured eggs using a special pipette. These pipette are specially designed to hold the eggs in a better and organized manner. Our team of professionals use sharp and delicate hollow needle to pick up a single sperm in immobilized state. Then the needle with sperm is injected to the shell of the female egg called as Zona. The sperm is injected in the inner part of the eggs called as cytoplasm. This is centre of the egg. The eggs are then monitored next day to ensure normal fertilization.